Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Talk about life......

My life: As I spaced out, I realized that I have such an amazing life. My life reminds me of the love that is greater than me. My life is like a dream or a daydream but yet so amazing.  Considering all the struggles, setbacks, failures, problems, obstacles; it is amazing that I am still here today. I am certain that ALL God’s children (Yes, every single one of you) have an amazing life filled with blessings and miracles.

Here are my random thoughts:

Why stress about life? life could be much worse

Thank God that I am still breathing and I am still here to watch the next sunrise (if I wake up early enough)

If I die today, it does not bother me because I already accomplished the most important thing in life, which is to dedicate my life to follow Christ.

My prayer life: God is faithful; He always ANSWERED ALL my prayers. Sometimes is “no” (actually many times is a “no”), sometimes is “yes”(definitely lots of this), and sometimes is “wait” (this happens :) ). I really don’t know what the future holds or what tomorrow may bring, but I believe God has great things in store for all of us. Matthew 6:34 "So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

In life, sometimes you lose, sometimes you win, but in Christ you always win. 


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