Thursday, March 3, 2011

Remembrance of God's Faithfulness

What's up guys? I don't really have much to update you on. Just be resting and relaxing at home, and eating some good food. It definitely has been a refreshing time here at home so praise God for that.

Today's TVision passage was about remembering God's faithfulness. What's cool is that when I went to morning prayer today at my home church, my dad spoke to the congregation on a passage with a similar theme out of Deuteronomy 1. In the Genesis passage, God reminded Jacob of how He was faithful to his forefathers and how He will also be faithful to Jacob since he is their descendant. He repeats the same promises He told to Abraham and Isaac, how He would give them the land and bless all peoples on earth through him and his offspring. After being reassured that God is with him, he sets up an altar to God to worship Him and then proceeds on with his journey as God called him.

Now fast-forward x amount of years to Deuteronomy 1. God had been faithful to the Israelites all those years, but they still did not trust in His faithfulness. They saw the promise land which was everything that God said it would be, but they also saw the people in that land which were taller and stronger than they were, and they were afraid. They refused to enter the land God called them to because they forgot how faithful God is. God rebuked them and punished them, reminding them that He fought for them and led them out of Egypt by cloud and by fire. He would not be with them in battle and would not let them into the promise land.

For me, I forget about God's faithfulness in my life many times and let my circumstances overwhelm me and worry me. I don't want to be like the Israelites who disobeyed because they forgot about God's faithfulness. I want to be like Jacob and follow God no matter what the circumstances are like out of trust in God's faithfulness and His promises. I definitely need God's grace as I am a forgetful person and am prone to be self-focused just like the Israelites.

And now, another song...

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