Monday, March 7, 2011

Just some thoughts as I was walking...

I pulled an all-nighter today and as I was walking back to my dorm in the morning, I started having many thoughts and questions. It's strange, I feel like these questions always come back to me... and every single time I had a similar answer for it. I was just thinking about why certain people have certain conditions and diseases that they have to go through. My parents always told me to be thankful for being born healthy and not going through any broken bones and things like that (my messed up pinkie, the hurting lower back, and sprain ankles are the most I've been through in my life...). There are so many people in my life that I know that have diabetes, eating problems, organ problems, etc. Many of these people of course are friends of mine and I honestly always feel like Will Smith in the movie Seven Pounds. If you haven't watched the movie, it's pretty much about a man who got into a car accident that killed 7 people, including his wife. Basically, he just decides to give up his body parts to 7 deserving people that have these types of diseases to help them survive... and that's exactly how I feel like a lot of the times. I really see my life and realize that I've been gifted with great health and no really big problems. But when I see my friends with these types of diseases and problems, I really want to help them, to the point where I am willing to even go through transplants because I know that with a healthy body, I would be able to help so many people.

But there comes another thought... there is a purpose in everything because God made it that way. So all my friends that have these health issues, I see them and think about what they go through daily... and I realized that wow, they're so happy and that this problem doesn't even seem to affect them all. I know there are pains and many tough times that I don't see, but seeing that these people give praise to God no matter what is what is so encouraging to me. For me, living with great health throughout my life, I praise God for Him being good to me. And these people who lack this really good health... they praise God even when there is pain. I'm always so encouraged to see God work in these friends and it's a constant reminder to me that God is so good and works in all kinds of people.

So as I walked back to my dorm, I was burdened to pray. Pray for my friends, and even pray for those who wake up every morning with the burden of some kind of disease or pain. For my friends, I prayed that God would continue to bless them in all that they do, and they'll continue to praise Him no matter what. For those people I didn't know, for the lost, I prayed that whatever they had that was burdening them, it would not be a "why God" but a "thank you Lord for giving me breath to breathe." As I continued praying, I also kept having images of seeing myself going into the community and being a constant encouragement to those who were going through such things and it reminded me of past mission trips and community service opportunities I went to. Even for the poor, I feel like God was telling me as I prayed that He had given me a gift to be somewhat fun and entertaining, and that with this talent, I would be able to really spread His love to those who are discouraged, down, or depressed.

This simple time of prayer... I think really may have helped me realize what I kind of want to do over the summer... at least one of the things I want to do

Yeah so praise God for His blessings upon me today :D

28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Matthew 11:28-30

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