Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Hey guys!

Spring break has been awesome! I have had so much time to relax, spend time by myself, and eat. Recently, God has been moving a lot in my heart and revealing certain things to me. I have recently feel and burden for my home church, which after a split has been left struggling with only students to serve.

I have also been reading a lot in Matthew, especially Jesus' sermon on the mont. Jesus' sermon on the mont. has really been changing me to reflect on the intentions of my actions and my inner thought.

Today, I have read Matthew 8:28-34, when Jesus released the demons in two men.
In this passage, I saw the true extent of demons and sin. The demons which possessed the were so throughly evil and dwelled in evil. Both of the men lived in the tombs. Tombs our life time and especially Jesus' time were especially dirty, unclean, and offensive to the Jewish people. (verse 28).

But when Jesus came over, instantly, the demons became crying out for more time before their eternal lives of torture (verse 29). This verse reminds me that even demons and the devil are afraid of God. The demons also must ask for Jesus permission to enter the pig (verse 31). I have felt so many times when I have been overwhelmed by sin or pain that it feels that God could not help but God is always there and when God comes, sin will even tremble in fear.

The demons response to Jesus also helps to solidify that Jesus was in fact the Son of God. Throughout the Bible, people doubted the claim that Jesus is the Son of God even though Jesus performed so many miracles (John 10). But, when I see these demons, they acknowledge that Jesus was the Son of God whole heartily. If the evil tormenting us acknowledges God's power and his sacrifice, why can't we?

When the demons left the humans, instantly they went to the pigs. The nature of evil is that they never stop moving and will always try to cause trouble.

Lastly, verse 34 stood out the most for me. In stories before this, Jesus was healing a man with leprosy, a centurion's servant, Peter's mother in-law, and stilling a sea. In each story, when Jesus performed miracles, the number of followers grew, but when Jesus exorcized these Demons, the villagers told him to go away. My first response was "Wow! Why would they do that?". But, as I thought of it more I realized that the villagers were scared of losing their possessions for Jesus. The villagers were putting their temporary riches above Jesus. I also realized that their worries were caused by sin, because it was the demons that drove the pigs off the cliff. The things that we put before God is because sin places them there, but God has power over these demons and will take control over them if you ask.

This passage challenged me to trust in God more and gave me comfort that God has complete control over my sins if I ask for help.

Thanks for reading and I hope your spring break has been going well! See you soon!


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