Monday, March 14, 2011

empty jars

2 kings 4:1-7

the desperate situation: widow is about to lose her two boys
all she has: a little oil
what to do: collect a lot, not just a few, empty jars
the miracle: filled ALL the empty jars with oil

what strikes me about this passage is that God used the little that she already had and provided MORE. he will take the little that i have to offer and multiply it. it's easy for me to recognize my inadequacies, but it's not easy to stop there... offer God my empty jar... and let Him fill it. often i recognize my inadequacy and search frantically and work relentlessly to try to fill it on my own. i have to give Him the room, the space in my life, to prove His power. i have to collect those empty jars and expect God to fill them. though hard work is not a bad thing, especially in the world's eyes, being obsessed with working hard at something is a sin. bc hard work on my own strength does not give God ANY GLORY. there are no empty jars for Him to fill! there's no miracle to be done. gotta make room for miraculous provisions in my life.

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