Friday, February 25, 2011

Reflection of this past year

As I read Deuteronomy 8:6, I began connecting and reflecting struggles and praise-God moments this past year.

v.1 says " that you may live and increase and may enter and possess the land that your Lord promised on oath to your forefathers"
This verse gives me hope and great joy for the remaining 2 months of the semester. God has blessed up with growth as a life group, He has "increased" our group this year and I am so blessed, and I have high expectations for more salvations this semester. I believe the land that we are to possess is this campus, this university, and I believe that God will start a revival in Michigan.

v. 2-3 speaks about the struggles along the way as a test to my faith. This year has been so difficult and so rewarding in so many different ways. Yesterday I was talking to my mom on the phone and she was like, every time I talk to you, you are either struggling or praising God passionately. I believe that God has been testing me, to "know what was in my heart" so that He could refine me this year.

v. 5 says "Know then in your heart that as a man disciplines his son, so the Lord your God disciplines you"
I'm excited to be disciplined by God. I want to pray this promise of God, that one day God will discipline me so that even when I don't feel like doing something, that I will do it for His glory because I love him.

v. 11 says "Be careful that you do not forget the Lord your God..."
I really have to be careful. This past year I have often credited myself for the good things that happened to me, because I believed that I had some good in me. But as I have learned in His word, my righteous deeds are seen as filthy rags before Him. I pray that I will never forget that God is the one who enabled all things in my life.

v. 13-15 speaks all of the trials that God brought me out of, and the great blessings that He has placed into my life. Even though there were ups and downs this semester I pray that I will recognize that God has been faithful all along.

God has been really directing me lately, and I pray that I will follow without question. That I will obey, because when God asks me to go somewhere, to do something, NEVER do I want to say, "God, wait one sec. I gotta start preparing my heart starting now." I want to be preparing my heart daily, ready every moment to start the race and run hard to God. I don't want to miss opportunities to serve God, to be a part of His work, because how rewarding is it to be used by the King.

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